Diffle Game

Guess the word using as few letters as possible.

How to play Diffle?

The task of the game is to guess the hidden word.
After entering the word, press the Enter button on the virtual keyboard. Now pay attention to the color with which the letters are highlighted.
If the number is not highlighted in color and remains gray, then there is no such number in the hidden username. If the number is highlighted in yellow, then such a number is in the hidden word, but is located in another cell. If the number is highlighted in green, then the number is in the hidden word in this cell.
Please note that letters in a word can be repeated, that is, if a number is highlighted in yellow or green, it can occur in the word either once or more than once.
Each guess must be a valid word. Hit the enter button to submit.
After each guess, the color of the tiles will change to show how close your guess was to the word.