Looking for Word Craze Answers Level 166? We’ve got all the word craze answers!. Based on some word games like wordle or Spelling Bee, word craze level 166 answers may have some difficulty so you should find all the words hidden in each themed puzzle to complete the level. Continue reading to solve word craze level 166.

Word craze level 166 answers
Today’s answers for word craze level 166: Here are the answers that you’ll need to finish level 166 puzzle, under the Word Craze classic theme.
- Young dog : Puppy
- A unit of temperature; 0 of this is called “absolute zero” : Kelvin
- The innermost and light-sensitive portion of the eye : Retina
- __________ wrap, a clear stretchable film used in food packaging : Cellophane
- Handheld telescope often seen in movies about pirates : Monocular
- What is this act of demolition? : Bulldoze
- Done in the same way over time; able to deliver similar results over and over again : Consistent
- Competitive “shooting” sport using guns that fire round, pigment-filled capsules : Paintball
- ______ Lamar is a US rapper and a member of the group Black Hippy : Kendrick
- Petaled plant that always faces a light source; has seeds commonly eaten as a snack : Sunflower
- To make somebody do something under threat of exposing a secret : Blackmail
- To take away one’s belongings; typically, guards and teachers do this : Confiscate
- People who perform experiments and make hypothesis’ in the pursuit of knowledge : Scientists
- The organ in your chest that pumps blood : Heart

Word Craze Level 167
After finishing this level, you can continue playing Word Craze Level 167. If you need help to solve the next level, here you can see all the Word Craze Level 167 Answers.
Word craze level 165 solutions
- Meaty remedy for a cold : Chickensoup
- A crack in a bone : Fracture
- What are these pieces of sporting equipment? : Golfclubs
- Unable to tell red from green, as in a dog : Colorblind
- Spoke softly and quietly : Whispered
- Equine-based unit of engine performance : Horsepower
- US automaker colloquially known as “Chevy” : Chevrolet
- Disney princess who was given a poisoned apple : Snowwhite
- In “How I Met Your Mother”, this actor’s favorite adjective is this : Legendary
- Capital of Florida; Woody Harrelson’s character in “Zombieland” : Tallahassee
- French emperor Napoleon’s last name : Bonaparte
- John F. Kennedy is quoted as saying that every crisis is also an ___________ : Opportunity
- What jewelry is she wearing? : Nosering
- Long pole used to strike the white ball in pool : Cuestick
- What is this style of drawing people? : Stickfigure
- John McClane’s iconic one-liner in “Die Hard” : Yippeekiyay
- __________: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, 2004 comedy starring Will Ferrell : Anchorman
- In Egyptian mythology, she is the sister of Isis and companion to Set : Nephthys
- To fire a gun : Shoot
- What is this headware called? : Bonnet
- Basketball shooting game where players must duplicate another player’s shot or get a letter : Horse
- Steven Spielberg’s “Jaws” features this deadly marine animal : Shark
- A physical altercation : Fight
- The Netherlands is the world’s greatest producer of this flower : Tulips

Word Craze Answers
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