Looking for Word Craze Answers Level 183? We’ve got all the word craze answers!. Based on some word games like wordle or Spelling Bee, word craze level 183 answers may have some difficulty so you should find all the words hidden in each themed puzzle to complete the level. Continue reading to solve word craze level 183.

Word craze level 183 answers
Today’s answers for word craze level 183: Here are the answers that you’ll need to finish level 183 puzzle, under the Word Craze classic theme.
- What is this tabletop game? : Battleship
- The process of ___________ can help narrow down your options : Elimination
- To have one’s attention divided : Distracted
- Keanu Reeve’s movie character who got revenge for his dog : Johnwick
- Someone with intense love and admiration for themselves : Narcissist
- What forecast is based on these? : Horoscope
- Private or public car path that one must pay a fee to drive on : Tollroad
- Easy on the eye; very pretty or appealing : Beautiful
- Pruning overgrown or dead sections of a plant : Trimming
- Coiled and bladed fence toppers that prevent escape or entrance : Barbwire
- An electrical impulse from one’s gray matter : Brainwave
- What is this type of mobile phone contract? : Dataplan
- ______ Asylum is the mental institution found in Gotham City : Arkham
- Bruce Willis plays detective John _____ in the Die Hard series : Mcclane
- Audio devices that are hooked up to broadcast sound and music : Speakers
- What is this phrase meaning thrilled and excited? : Firedup
- J.K _______ is the author of the Harry Potter series of books : Rowling
- Mount Rushmore is in US state, South ______ : Dakota
- This U.S. national legislative body is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives : Congress
- Korean electronics conglomerate whose name translates to “three stars” : Samsung
- The dominant trend, considered to be normal and conventional : Mainstream
- Excess food after an event : Leftovers
- What is missing in the second image? : Licenseplate
- A gym _________ allows you use of the gym’s facilities : Membership
- Shakespeare may have coined this phrase: “_________ makes strange bedfellows” : Adversity
- What is this team-building exercise? : Trustfall
- White ceramic that originated in China : Porcelain
- The state of having great growth and success : Prosperity

Word Craze Level 184
After finishing this level, you can continue playing Word Craze Level 184. If you need help to solve the next level, here you can see all the Word Craze Level 184 Answers.
Word craze level 182 solutions
- Gold ______, someone in a relationship just for money : Digger
- ______ Carey, iconic singer with a five-octave vocal range : Mariah
- What are these muscles? : Biceps
- What is this building where horses are often kept? : Stable
- Separate from a spouse : Divorce
- The final part of a movie, usually : Credits
- A makeup technique that creates a shadowy, hazy effect around the eyes : Smokyeyes
- The dark outline seen when something or someone is framed by a bright light from behind : Silhouette
- What is this phone doing? : Charging
- This type of vehicle has a siren and assists with dangerous or life-threatening situations : Emergency
- People who move permanently from one country to another : Immigrants
- These space objects create craters on the moon : Asteroids
- What is this driver doing? : Backingup
- The quality of an object to easily carry an electrical current : Conductive
- Something deemed an absolute requirement : Necessity
- An animal _________ is a place where animals can live and be protected : Sanctuary
- Your __________ precedes you means people have heard about you : Reputation
- Boston MLB team that had the “Curse of the Bambino” until 2004 : Redsox
- What professional can perform this work? : Jeweler
- Like a post by giving it a _____ up : Thumbs
- 2019 Marvel movie that concluded the Thanos saga : Endgame
- Animated shows and movies, usually targeted toward children : Cartoons
- These night clothes are also known as PJ’s : Pajamas
- Movie with a story that precedes an existing movie’s story : Prequel
- The Big ________; the Dude abides : Lebowski
- Breathing heavily after running : Panting
- “If you can’t _____ it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself” – Einstein : Explain
- The shortest month of the year : February
- Large piece of furniture found in bedrooms where clothes are stored : Wardrobe
- Large hamster-like pet; also, a term for the subject of an experiment : Guineapig

Word Craze Answers
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