Looking for Word Craze Answers Level 236? We’ve got all the word craze answers!. Based on some word games like wordle or Spelling Bee, word craze level 236 answers may have some difficulty so you should find all the words hidden in each themed puzzle to complete the level. Continue reading to solve word craze level 236.

Word craze level 236 answers
Today’s answers for word craze level 236: Here are the answers that you’ll need to finish level 236 puzzle, under the Word Craze classic theme.
- The song by Kenny Loggins that featured in the film “Footloose” : Imfree
- What are these? : Flippers
- ______ fluids are liquids used to transport nutrients and expel waste from human cells : Bodily
- Croatian neighbors : Serbians
- Granting someone to have or do something : Allowing
- An optimist always sees the glass as ____ ____ : Halffull
- This song is considered the unofficial anthem by Irish Americans : Dannyboy
- Travelers are inspected at these places along borders or certain roads : Checkpoints
- Fully informed and part of decision making : Intheloop
- What is this famous Music Hall in New York? : Radiocity
- Surgical procedures to remove one’s love handles : Tummytucks
- Use this alcohol-based detergent to get rid of germs on your hands : Sanitizer
- Every 12 hours : Twiceaday
- Numerically named town in Somerset, Pennsylvania : Eightyfour
- Going on or taking place : Occurring
- In the US, this department oversees the making of all currency : Ustreasury
- When a device’s temperature gets too high : Overheats
- Describes something unclear or hard to understand; blurred : Indistinct
- Casually visits, usually unannounced : Dropsby
- In motorsports, the first go around the track : Lapone

Word Craze Level 237
After finishing this level, you can continue playing Word Craze Level 237. If you need help to solve the next level, here you can see all the Word Craze Level 237 Answers.
Word craze level 235 solutions
- 1992 Mike Myer’s comedy based on an SNL sketch of the same name : Waynesworld
- US actor and singer who sang “Summer Wind” and “The Way You Look Tonight” : Franksinatra
- Halo and “Gears of War” are examples of these : Xboxgames
- What fascinating object caused this action? : Headturner
- A place that’s easy to get into is this : Accessible
- He produced “Human Nature” by Michael Jackson : Quincyjones
- The capital of this eastern US state is Charleston : Westvirginia
- Ryan ______ is a US swimmer and 12-time Olympic medalist : Lochte
- Stringed instrument used for Hawaiian serenades : Ukulele
- Jennifer _______ starred as Rachel on the US sitcom “Friends” : Aniston
- A practice battle : Wargame
- What is this container called? : Flask
- Cancel or announce that something will no longer happen : Calloff
- US rapper Young Thug’s 2016 mixtape : Jeffrey
- Et ______ is used at the end of a list to say there are more similar items : Cetera
- Successful completion : Achievement
- Closet accessory : Coathanger
- Julian Assange is its founder : Wikileaks
- Phrase said when one can’t believe something good came out of a situation : Itsawonder
- British comedy troupe that started in 1969 : Montypython
- Person who doesn’t quite fit in : Oddmanout
- To avoid delusions and face reality : Facefacts
- All too easy : Effortless
- Having 20/20 vision about the future : Farseeing
- The act of pronouncing words properly : Enunciation
- In basketball, a shot that doesn’t do anything it’s supposed to do : Airball
- In school, a time to show your competence in a subject : Examday

Word Craze Answers
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