Looking for Word Craze Answers Level 248? We’ve got all the word craze answers!. Based on some word games like wordle or Spelling Bee, word craze level 248 answers may have some difficulty so you should find all the words hidden in each themed puzzle to complete the level. Continue reading to solve word craze level 248.

Word craze level 248 answers
Today’s answers for word craze level 248: Here are the answers that you’ll need to finish level 248 puzzle, under the Word Craze classic theme.
- People involved with armed forces or militias are these : Militants
- __ _______ is an English singer who made “The A Team” and has albums named after math symbols : Edsheeran
- What you owe the IRS from past years : Backtaxes
- To develop or create something, especially chemically : Synthesize
- Put clothes on these to keep them from wrinkling : Hangers
- 1996 film by the Coen brothers named after a small town in North Dakota : Fargo
- Oblivious relaxation : Zoneout
- Your dog or cat might need a collar to protect against these tiny insects : Fleas
- Extremely nerve-wracking strategy in poker : Bluff
- To put everything in your luggage again : Repack
- Saint _______ is the patron saint of astronomers : Dominic
- What are these called collectively? : Avians
- Compare with like or as : Simile
- A 1976 horror film, remade in 2006, depicting the childhood and coming of the “Antichrist” : Theomen
- This Australian-American country singer with an un-country last name made “Somebody like You” : Keithurban

Word Craze Level 249
After finishing this level, you can continue playing Word Craze Level 249. If you need help to solve the next level, here you can see all the Word Craze Level 249 Answers.
Word craze level 247 solutions
- What is this improv method? : Offthecuff
- Living spaces or venues used for hosting celebrations : Partyrooms
- Having occurred by chance or unintended consequence; “do you suppose this is all __________?” : Incidental
- Rob ________ plays Deuce Bigalow, the male gigolo : Schneider
- Moving at a high velocity : Goingfast
- Reports on TV or radio about current events : Newscasts
- Early Frank Abagnale crime in “Catch Me If You Can” : Forgedcheck
- At first; before a change occurred : Initially
- Having converted some code into understandable language : Deciphered
- 2012 film based on the Dr. Seuss story featuring a mustached sprite : Thelorax
- American satellite television service provider that started under Hughes Electronics : Directv
- ______ Lohan is an American actress who came to fame for “The Parent Trap” : Lindsay
- A trait that is natural or basic part of something is this : Inherent
- People who avoid work or lazes about : Idlers
- What is she missing? : Sleeve
- Large groups of people : Hordes
- In comedy, a type of solo improv : Riffing
- When a tree produces a number of flowers : Blossom
- Musical note equivalent to E-flat : Dsharp
- Drawing gradually towards the end; “it looks like the party is _______ ____” : Windingdown
- Slip of paper needed to get onto an airplane : Boardingpass
- To have been pulled out of a battlezone : Extracted
- What caused him to be out? : Thirdstrike
- 1 for hydrogen and 6 for carbon : Atomicnumber
- These are used to access food in an enclosed metal container : Canopeners
- Something to be considered a possibility in reality is this : Plausible

Word Craze Answers
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