Looking for Word Craze Answers Level 290? We’ve got all the word craze answers!. Based on some word games like wordle or Spelling Bee, word craze level 290 answers may have some difficulty so you should find all the words hidden in each themed puzzle to complete the level. Continue reading to solve word craze level 290.

Word craze level 290 answers
Today’s answers for word craze level 290: Here are the answers that you’ll need to finish level 290 puzzle, under the Word Craze classic theme.
- Large bodies of matter : Masses
- Possible source of sunken treasure : Wrecks
- Type of meeting where politicians answer questions from the public : Townhall
- What kind of socks are these? : Kneehigh
- Escapes from a downed plane : Ejects
- The Great Trango is one of the tallest ______ in the world : Cliffs
- Approximation : Ballpark
- To wait without getting annoyed is to wait like this : Patiently
- The 2009 comedy film starring Bradley Cooper and Zach Galifianakis : Thehangover
- A game of tennis where one team is made up of a man and a woman : Mixeddoubles
- What kind of pain is this? : Heartbreak
- Extremely interesting and captivating : Fascinating
- Reserved beyond capacity : Overbooked
- Have taken a machine apart into separate pieces : Dismantled
- Experiences a surgery or treatment : Undergoes
- Gross projectiles sometimes seen in class : Spitballs
- Considered by music journalists and peers as “The Godfather of Shock Rock” : Alicecooper
- George Clooney starred alongside Scarlett Johansson in this 2016 comedy/mystery film : Hailcaesar
- Close __________ of the Third Kind is a 1977 Sci-Fi film written and directed by Steven Spielberg : Encounters
- Kept safe or guarded from injury : Protected
- Animals like rodents, and worms or insects that are harmful to crops, cattle, or game : Vermin
- What is this American haircare brand? : Redken
- Pieces of meat and vegetables served on sticks : Kabobs
- ______ a can of worms : Opened
- Stringy doughy staple food : Noodle
- These laundry detergents from P&G are not hard candy : Tidepods
- The land on the edge of the sea; beachfront : Shore
- A bald person has __ ____ on the top of their head : Nohair
- A request commonly made to Lassie : Gethelp

Word Craze Level 291
After finishing this level, you can continue playing Word Craze Level 291. If you need help to solve the next level, here you can see all the Word Craze Level 291 Answers.
Word craze level 289 solutions
- The state of being well known for doing the wrong things : Notoriety
- Hormone needed for fight or flight : Adrenaline
- A person who swims underwater for sport using a self contained breathing apparatus : Scubadiver
- What is this kind of malware called? : Trojan
- Typical teeth-related behavior often seen in toddlers : Biting
- Pink spherical Nintendo character : Kirby
- Appliance with a flat surface perfect for cooking bacon, sausages, pancakes, etc. : Griddle
- A messenger tasked with a diplomatic mission : Envoy
- An individual who has been convicted of a serious crime : Felon
- Tom _____ starred as Walt Disney in the film “Saving Mr. Banks” : Hanks
- A sign or emblem that represents something : Symbol
- These come out of steering wheels when collisions occur : Airbags
- To see someone for advice at a given rate : Consult
- The most popular brand of ketchup in the US : Heinz
- Got used to it : Accustomed
- What kind of snake is this? : Cottonmouth
- _____ ______ starred as the Prime Minister in the film series “Love Actually” : Hughgrant
- Snack or appetizer consisting of crisps and a savory creamy mixture : Chipsanddip
- Yoda is this rank : Jedimaster
- Refers to a person who is behind bars : Incustody
- Deposits and withdrawals of a more personal sort : Bloodbank
- Changing course and going in a different direction : Diverting
- When an airplane is leaving an airstrip : Takingoff
- Popular post-nuclear role-playing video game designed by Interplay Entertainment : Fallout
- A path with a hard surface usually on the side of the road : Pavement
- Kurt ______ was the lead singer of the US rock band Nirvana : Cobain

Word Craze Answers
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