Looking for Word Craze Answers Level 317? We’ve got all the word craze answers!. Based on some word games like wordle or Spelling Bee, word craze level 317 answers may have some difficulty so you should find all the words hidden in each themed puzzle to complete the level. Continue reading to solve word craze level 317.

Word craze level 317 answers
Today’s answers for word craze level 317: Here are the answers that you’ll need to finish level 317 puzzle, under the Word Craze classic theme.
- Has potentially winning numbers printed on it : Lottoticket
- TV personality Michael Sorrentino’s nickname from “Jersey Shore” : Thesituation
- To get positioned : Orientate
- Championship series of the National Basketball Association : Nbafinals
- In poker, an extreme show of confidence in your hand, or the ultimate bluff : Goingallin
- A mystical figure who assisted King Arthur : Merlin
- Caused someone to be totally bewildered : Baffled
- Commences or starts off an action or activity : Begins
- What is this kind of derived work? : Spinoff
- Letter before Tau in the Greek alphabet : Sigma
- To leave a space that was previously inhabited : Vacate
- Fake it ’til you ____ __ : Makeit
- _____ to _____, dust to dust : Ashes
- Common horror film “line” : Screams
- 1978 comedy film about college frats that features the song “Shout” : Animalhouse
- What is this manual car part? : Stickshift
- Gaps of time between events : Intervals
- Frequent spoiler : Grandparent
- Type of sofa that can be divided into chairs : Sectional
- Measure of the rooms in use at a hotel : Occupancy
- Flash’s counterpart in the Marvel universe : Quicksilver
- Direct competition : Headtohead
- The Kardashians is this type of program : Realitytv
- Homer’s religious neighbor in “The Simpsons” : Nedflanders
- Trim and toned : Inshape
- Refers to someone who is easy to trick : Gullible
- Accepts or overlooks unacceptable behavior : Condones
- Childhood challenge is to not do this in response to a sudden attack : Flinch
- What is this kind of backup plan? : Fallback
- Peaky ________ is a UK drama series starring Cillian Murphy : Blinders

Word Craze Level 318
After finishing this level, you can continue playing Word Craze Level 318. If you need help to solve the next level, here you can see all the Word Craze Level 318 Answers.
Word craze level 316 solutions
- Removes someone from a competition by defeating them : Eliminates
- Thoughtless way to dive into an action : Headfirst
- People with immediate relations to a king or queen : Royalfamily
- Objects hit by clubs : Golfballs
- What is this somber profession? : Pallbearer
- What is this expression indicating a desire to visit? : Dropby
- Lazy worker who has a terrible work ethic : Slacker
- Going where “no man has gone before” is done in this manner : Boldly
- Squeezes or crushes something until it becomes flat or pulpy : Squashes
- Do this to a program after you have downloaded it to use it : Install
- Childhood job that requires an early start : Paperboy
- Can be found : Exists
- Common car accident injury : Whiplash
- John ______ is the US actor who starred as Jesse Katsopolis in “Full House” : Stamos
- What is this phrase meaning to decide later? : Putapininit
- A weakness or vulnerability in a person that can lead to one’s downfall : Achillesheel
- Basketball player who plays in college for a single year before joining the NBA : Oneanddone
- All Summer Long is a 1964 song by this US band : Beachboys
- Act of trespassing onto someone’s property : Intrusion

Word Craze Answers
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