Looking for Word Craze Answers Level 340? We’ve got all the word craze answers!. Based on some word games like wordle or Spelling Bee, word craze level 340 answers may have some difficulty so you should find all the words hidden in each themed puzzle to complete the level. Continue reading to solve word craze level 340.

Word craze level 340 answers
Today’s answers for word craze level 340: Here are the answers that you’ll need to finish level 340 puzzle, under the Word Craze classic theme.
- Something unnecessarily offensive that is “uncalled for” : Lowblow
- To like something more than others : Prefer
- Molded; shaped; assembled : Formed
- Open-handed blow that makes a loud sound : Smack
- To make part of the whole : Include
- Wrapped a group of things together : Bundled
- The nut that Scrat the squirrel obsessed over in the film “Ice Age” : Acorn
- Hindu god with an elephant’s head : Ganesha
- Truly; sincerely; actually : Genuinely
- To include citations in an essay to show where you obtained information : Reference
- A person who does not eat meat : Vegetarian
- What kind of music lover is this? : Headbanger
- Minnesota city that forms “Twin Cities” with St. Paul : Minneapolis
- Basketball player married to Gabrielle Union : Dwyanewade
- A quarantined person has to be kept in _________ : Isolation
- A chart of one’s bloodline, from roots to leaves : Familytree
- Where video game players compete for the highest score : Leaderboard
- The colors of Greenland’s flag : Redandwhite

Word Craze Level 341
After finishing this level, you can continue playing Word Craze Level 341. If you need help to solve the next level, here you can see all the Word Craze Level 341 Answers.
Word craze level 339 solutions
- People who sign up to save lives after they pass on : Organdonors
- In Harry Potter, wizards and witches descended only from other wizards and witches : Pureblood
- Twisted someone’s arm : Persuaded
- Fetching of something : Retrieval
- People who use the services of a professional or a company : Clients
- What Swiss food company is this? : Nestle
- Suffix meaning an expert of a particular science : Ologist
- Athletes who drive, chip, and putt : Golfers
- A ‘container’ with a slot found outside houses : Postbox
- International sports event that originated from Greece : Olympics
- Closes and opens one’s eyes quickly : Blinks
- To be remote or far away from other places and people : Isolated
- In soccer, a reason for the referee to give a penalty : Handball
- Groups consisting of eight things : Octuples
- Cars that are damaged beyond repair : Writeoffs
- Orange juice brand found at McDonalds : Minutemaid
- Distinct way to write one’s name : Signature
- Signifies the end of a trading session : Closingbell
- What kind of storage device is this? : Memorychips
- Students’ who are doing very well academically are on this : Deanslist
- Sinatra’s assertion of self-sufficiency : Ididitmyway
- Suit up!, “How YOU doin’?”, and “That’s what she said.” : Catchphrases
- Sporting goods of Shaun White : Snowboards
- Biologist, chemist, physicist, for example : Scientists
- Economic disaster where trade and industrial activities are reduced : Recession
- Come about; take place : Occur
- Type of communities that have strictly controlled entrances : Gated
- What is this type of mammal? : Primates
- Guarded an area or perimeter from danger : Secured

Word Craze Answers
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