Looking for Word Craze Answers Level 5671? We’ve got all the word craze answers!. Based on some word games like wordle or Spelling Bee, word craze level 5671 answers may have some difficulty so you should find all the words hidden in each themed puzzle to complete the level. Continue reading to solve word craze level 5671.

Word craze level 5671 answers
Today’s answers for word craze level 5671: Here are the answers that you’ll need to finish level 5671 puzzle, under the Word Craze classic theme.
- Flounce on a garment : Peplum
- A firm specialized in providing a specific service, such as taxes and accounting : Agency
- Soaking a cucumber in brine results in this vegetable : Pickle
- Server on skates : Carhop
- Vacation destination : Resort
- To put money into something with the hopes of getting more money later : Invest
- The Grim _______ is the personification of death in many cultures : Reaper
- Survivor : Relict
- Suit component : Jacket
- Trees of the myrtle family : Guavas
- River sport : Tubing
- German composer ______ Van Beethoven is well known for his “Symphony No. 5” : Ludwig
- Considers : Weighs
- Having the most marbles? : Sanest

Word Craze Level 5672
After finishing this level, you can continue playing Word Craze Level 5672. If you need help to solve the next level, here you can see all the Word Craze Level 5672 Answers.
Word craze level 5670 solutions
- Sets up : Prepares
- Certainty : Sureness
- Hot under the collar : Steaming
- Mayhem : Disorder
- Buzzard’s cousins : Vultures
- Found the middle of? : Averaged
- ____ ____ is a song by Welsh band Badfinger about a woman that the lead singer dated : Babyblue
- They ________ him home by tying a yellow ribbon around an old oak tree : Welcomed
- Listening device : Receiver
- Type of vegetables that resemble lettuce, but have thicker leaves : Cabbages
- People who can give guidance about what to do : Advisers
- Some phones have them : Speakers

Word Craze Answers
If you want to play more Word Craze Puzzles, and you need to see any solution of a level in word craze, you can see all the word craze solutions.
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