Looking for Word Craze Answers Level 825? We’ve got all the word craze answers!. Based on some word games like wordle or Spelling Bee, word craze level 825 answers may have some difficulty so you should find all the words hidden in each themed puzzle to complete the level. Continue reading to solve word craze level 825.

Word craze level 825 answers
Today’s answers for word craze level 825: Here are the answers that you’ll need to finish level 825 puzzle, under the Word Craze classic theme.
- A site for building sandcastles : Beach
- Substances with adhesive qualities that hold materials together : Binders
- One who is not friendly or forthcoming is this : Aloof
- A marine, in slang : Jarhead
- Starts a game of golf : Teesoff
- Something inclined from a horizontal line is this : Sloping
- _____ Lauren is a reputable fashion brand : Ralph
- Things put on top to conceal or protect other things : Coverings
- Social media platform with the slogan “The world’s catalog of ideas” : Pinterest
- Touching someone tenderly : Caressing
- A device that detects how cold or warm something is; can be used in a fire alarm : Heatsensor
- People whose minds wander and fail to concentrate : Daydreamers
- Something that costs more than it is worth is this : Overpriced
- The endpoint of a journey : Destination
- Unwanted greenish marks left after playing on a turf : Grassstains
- Borders on the forehead that may recede with time : Hairlines
- Scientists that study animal, plants, and the environments in which they live : Biologists
- Explained something, usually to a woman, in a condescending and overconfident manner : Mansplained
- Optional courses of study : Electives
- Children between the ages of nine and twelve : Preteens
- Catchy phrases used in advertising : Taglines
- Quick improvements on one’s knowledge before a test : Brushups
- Providing a guarantee against loss or harm by purchasing a certain type of policy : Insuring
- Exchanges remarks in a friendly but teasing way : Banters
- Something that is formed or composed of certain ingredients ________ of those ingredients : Consists
- A grouping of songs one can play on an app : Playlist
- Releases from bondage : Setsfree
- Depicts a person in an art piece : Portrays
- Principal landmasses of the globe; there are only six or seven of them : Continents

Word Craze Level 826
After finishing this level, you can continue playing Word Craze Level 826. If you need help to solve the next level, here you can see all the Word Craze Level 826 Answers.
Word craze level 824 solutions
- Waver of a red cape in the arena : Bullfighter
- One’s true nature : Innerself
- A combination of different metals with other elements : Alloy
- Planned something by thinking thoroughly : Devised
- Wishing for something to happen : Hoping
- Their work is often in anthologies : Poets
- Calmed someone; eased someone’s discomfort or pain : Soothed
- A series of tasks that supposedly can assess one’s cognitive abilities : Iqtest
- Stops doing something : Ceases
- Facilities where events occur : Venues
- A bulb does this when it’s about to go out : Flicker
- The Golden Gate Bridge is located here : Sanfrancisco
- A period when one hears nothing from a normally communicative person : Radiosilence
- In folklore, humans who transform into a certain wild canine during a full moon : Werewolves
- Ranges of prices paid for a particular type of work : Payscales
- A jump ball at the beginning of an NBA match occurs here : Centercourt
- A sudden advance or development in science : Breakthrough
- Sweet loaf with dried grapes : Raisinbread
- A scary fictional character that lives in a wetland : Swampmonster
- A surgical instrument used to hold back the edges of an incision : Retractor
- “To _____ ___’_ ___” means “to force them to do something” : Twistonesarm
- Something very scary is this : Hairraising
- People who secretly watch others undress : Peepingtoms
- The red _________ is the flower commonly associated with socialism and the labor movement : Carnation
- Take the stand in court again : Retestify
- Marine animals with elongated bodies, large eyes, eight arms, and two tentacles : Squids
- Leaped forward rapidly : Sprang
- A blood component that contains hemoglobin : Redcell

Word Craze Answers
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