Looking for Word Craze Answers Level 863? We’ve got all the word craze answers!. Based on some word games like wordle or Spelling Bee, word craze level 863 answers may have some difficulty so you should find all the words hidden in each themed puzzle to complete the level. Continue reading to solve word craze level 863.

Word craze level 863 answers
Today’s answers for word craze level 863: Here are the answers that you’ll need to finish level 863 puzzle, under the Word Craze classic theme.
- Posted inflammatory comments online with the aim to annoy or upset : Trolled
- To request to be served a particular meal on a menu : Order
- A juicy rumor : Gossip
- Something done in a true and faithful manner is done like this : Loyally
- Wrestling duo : Tagteam
- Something that has to do with the eye is this : Optic
- First name of the tennis star Nadal : Rafael
- Something with the most even and regular surface is this : Smoothest
- Asserting publicly : Affirming
- The process of becoming smaller in size or amount : Shrinkages
- Speaking enthusiastically and charismatically from a pulpit : Preaching
- To grow to an excessive amount : Overdevelop
- Shown to have been part of a crime : Implicated
- One feeling dizzy and about to pass out is this : Lightheaded
- Lit a fire or candle again : Rekindled
- Guarantees for appliances that usually last for 12 or 24 months : Warranties
- Something done ideally is done like this : Preferably
- Those who copy the act of others : Imitators
- Caused mental or physical pain : Afflicted
- A phrase used to agree to something when one doesn’t really have any objections : Whynot
- Sport where a frisbee is thrown to a target : Discgolf
- To live one’s life to the _______ means to enjoy it as much as possible : Fullest
- Solid surface beneath the soil : Bedrock
- Clogged up : Choked
- To grow into a more advanced form : Develop
- To take a break from social media or using devices : Unplug
- The minimum age when a driver’s license can be legally obtained in most countries : Eighteen
- Frame for children to play on, typically found in people’s backyard : Swingset
- Something, e.g. a chemical substance, causing one to itch and scratch is this : Irritating

Word Craze Level 864
After finishing this level, you can continue playing Word Craze Level 864. If you need help to solve the next level, here you can see all the Word Craze Level 864 Answers.
Word craze level 862 solutions
- People who go to a conference or other social gathering : Attendees
- Public place for women to powder their noses : Ladiesroom
- What a homecoming parade generates : Localpride
- Something worthy of respect is treated this way : Venerably
- Online way to move money from one account to another : Wiretransfer
- German supermodel who judged “America’s Got Talent” : Heidiklum
- Republic reunited with its neighbor after the fall of the Berlin Wall : Westgermany
- The “_______ ____” describes the very latest period of something : Eleventhhour
- To swallow up something until it is fully submerged : Engulf
- To take aboard a spaceship forcefully : Abduct
- Length, area, or scope; degree to which something is the case : Extent

Word Craze Answers
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