Looking for Word Craze Answers Level 891? We’ve got all the word craze answers!. Based on some word games like wordle or Spelling Bee, word craze level 891 answers may have some difficulty so you should find all the words hidden in each themed puzzle to complete the level. Continue reading to solve word craze level 891.

Word craze level 891 answers
Today’s answers for word craze level 891: Here are the answers that you’ll need to finish level 891 puzzle, under the Word Craze classic theme.
- Something characterized by a variety of hues is this : Colorful
- Realizations about past events : Hindsights
- X-Men villain who had a team of four horsemen, played by Oscar Isaac : Apocalypse
- To emphasize something in a text graphically : Underline
- Hinged or removable panels in the floor, ceiling, or roof : Trapdoors
- A thin block used to enable a vehicle to slow down or stop : Brakepad
- Hunted illegally : Poached
- To transfer by contact or association : Ruboff
- Small, short-handled axes : Hatchets
- People who make reservations at a venue but don’t use or cancel them : Noshows
- Something moving in a worm- or snake-like manner is this : Wiggly
- To read the ____ ___ to someone means to scold or reprimand them : Riotact
- Birds’ tails are made up of these : Feathers
- Picks up on something subtle : Detects
- To approach a topic indirectly or gradually : Leadup
- Bikes that require better than usual balancing skills : Unicycles
- Symbol used to show that two things are of the same value : Equalsign
- Crime-fighting characters in many comic books and movies : Superheroes
- Renovated and redecorated a building : Refurbished
- Things that happen or exist at the same time are this : Concurrent
- In the US military, this exercise is called a side-straddle hop : Jumpingjack
- Responds with a counterattack : Strikesback
- Contriving a plan by mutual agreement : Concerting
- A circular controller on a machine that is rotated or adjusted manually : Handwheel
- Changed from liquid into a firm substance : Solidified
- Increased steeply and rapidly : Skyrocketed
- Makes an exact copy : Replicates
- The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate : Kindness
- White, icy figures with carrot noses : Snowmen
- A literary way of saying “from what place” : Whence

Word Craze Level 892
After finishing this level, you can continue playing Word Craze Level 892. If you need help to solve the next level, here you can see all the Word Craze Level 892 Answers.
Word craze level 890 solutions
- Words with the same meaning are described as this : Synonymous
- If something is very surprising or impressive, it is this : Astonishing
- Something difficult to understand or incoherent is this : Confusing
- Making someone more confident and in control of their life; giving someone more authority : Empowering
- People who behave badly or do illegal things : Wrongdoers
- Cool perspiration that accompanies fear : Coldsweat
- ________ ____ is a place in which someone expects to find great happiness : Promisedland
- Provokes someone to act angrily : Antagonizes
- To make a place or person adopt European or American influences : Westernize
- Makes someone experience a feeling they felt in the past : Rekindles
- A weapon with a long shaft and pointed end : Spear
- Nonfiction stories are based on ____ ____ : Reallife
- Letters sent to famous people by their supporters : Fanmail
- Reached the peak : Climaxed
- To make a retraction : Takeback
- Road studs that look like feline organs of sight : Catseyes
- Got pricked by a bee : Stung
- A phrase used as an emphatic “Yes” in conversation, or to say that something is clear or obvious : Ofcourse
- Went over again and again : Rehashed
- A dark-haired male : Brunet
- Spreading a thick substance over a surface : Smearing
- Disturbed the positioning of a bone in a joint : Dislocated
- A wide road especially planned for high-speed traffic : Expressway
- Demolitions or evacuations of buildings : Clearances
- Succeeds in understanding something written in code : Deciphers
- Patient endurance; doing something under __________ means doing it unwillingly : Sufferance
- A short, rhythmic muscle tightening, e.g. during childbirth : Contraction
- A formal expression of one’s discontent : Complaint
- To find something after a difficult search : Trackdown

Word Craze Answers
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